Lower Kumasun Falls

RATING - 10.0

VR - 4.0 (M/S) HR - 1.5 SR - 4/20


DIFFICULTY - Very Difficult

LOCATION - Lake Shannon Area

TYPE - Curtain

HEIGHT - 25'

WIDTH - 10'

DIRECTIONS - Dangerous access. No directions provided.

Lower Kumasun (coom-a-soon) Falls occurs on an unnamed stream on the east side of Lake Shannon. This waterfall occurs where the creek drops about 25' in a wide curtain of water. The waterfall is located at the bottom of a very steep canyon. It is probably easier (although we haven't done it yet) to bushwhack up the north side of the creek from the main logging road. No matter what route, this is a difficult waterfall to view. There appears to be a larger upper falls located a short distance upstream. We will attempt to reach that one in the near future.

The word "Kumasun" is an English translation of a Salish Indian word meaning "gorge, ravine, or gulch". Since the waterfall is located in such a deep canyon, we thought the name was fitting.