Big Cat Falls

RATING - 50.0

VR - 6.0 (Med) HR - 6.0 SR - 14/20


DIFFICULTY - Difficult

LOCATION - Sloan Peak Trail

TYPE - Cascades

HEIGHT - 161'

WIDTH - 15'

DIRECTIONS - Drive out the Mountain Loop Highway and turn onto the North Fork Sauk Road. In about 4 miles, pull off at the Sloan Peak Trail on the south side and begin hiking up the trail. After crossing the river the trail climbs up to an old road for a short distance. When the trail leaves the road, continue straight until the road ends at the creek. The falls are a few hundred upstream but you'll have to do some difficult and brushy climbing to reach it.

Big Cat Falls is the final of a great group of waterfalls on Cougar Creek as it makes its way to the North Fork Sauk River. The waterfall is a long series of cascades consisting of two sections. The upper part (seen left) drops 99' down a spectacular mossy cliff, eventually finishing with a natural waterslide into a beautiful pool of water. After turning a corner, the creek drops an addition 62' in a similar fashion (below right). It's a beautiful and impressive waterfall and if you manage to make it across the river to the actual Sloan Peak Trail, it's worth the short side trip.